

Yesterday was pretty random. I was about to have a sober weekend but when I got off from work and continued to watch Lords Of The Ring (left to see Sofia middle of it), I realized that fuck it, there was a perfect weather outside and I did feel for some beer... So I started to call people and go through FB chat but no one got excited or already got something else.. Except Susse, we decided to go get beer and look around if any familiar guys were around. We went to Koff Park and sat down for a while but it was still way too cold for park drinking. So we came here, made pizza and couple phone calls, got excited about those wigs I got(took) free from work and left to Kallio with Aku and Kapu, ran to bar 10min before closing to get one more beer and watched some shitty movie and tv to 5am. Random, but fun.

listening: M83 - Night

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