
@ Hyvinkää:

Jenni and Tomi had their housewarming party! My trip to there didn't start so good, I missed the train but it was okay, I got my make up ready and started drinking at the station. When I finally got there, everybody was already in a party mood, we talked funny stuff, ate and drinked and played Party Alias. I and Junnu got totally like 8 points, well we did play only half of the board but still, I suck at explaining :( And then we went to Level 5, as usual. It was so much fun to see old friends and be so drank (there it doesn't matter because I'm not that often there anymore)!

listening: Kissy Sell Out - Through The Leaves


It has been almost a year when I last dyed my hair, tuesday I decided that it is time to do something..

It's a bit darker then I thought but I guess it will get lighter pretty quickly.

listening: Deadmau5 - Right This Second


There has been a festival, Flow, in town again and I've been part of it on my own way..

THURSDAY: First we went Bar 21 in mood for some karaoke but the downstairs were closed. When we left there with Mikko after couple drinks we met these pretty random guys stoling bikes and continued with them to Stadin tähti.

FRIDAY: After surviving day at work with not-that-bad-hangover I started the evening at Eetu's with he's friends from Kemi. I was all dressed up for Skins Party, got my shirt that was stolen from the streets of London and golden shoes, but then we didn't even went there! Instead I found myself in Bäkkäri...


SATURDAY: After surviving day at work with very-bad-hangover, we went to Koff park and eat what was left of Veera's aussie styled picnic. From there we went to Jontte's place and we were kinda celebrating her sisters 18th birthday and later found our way to Lauantaidisco, (in free of course). There, as usual, I lost everybody and every time I was thinking about leaving I met these random friends and didn't leave much before 3:30am. I walked home with fries from McDonalds.

It hasn't all go as I planned but I guess I have had fun anyway. One night to go!

listening: Reino & The Rhinos - Päätön Polle
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