
I don't miss much about Nuppulinna (spent time there yesterday-today) but these cuties are one thing.

Didn't know that VETO has a new album out, cool!

(this is definetly not the best song on album but the only one I found)


Dictionary Bob
@ Klubi, Hyvinkää. This weekend was full of quality time with Sofia. Friday there and saturday we went to Kuudes Linja altough we didn't have now idea what was going on there but we were too lazy to go to Tavastia. Only photos of that night is the salad we ate before we left and the mashed potatoes eating at 3 am when we got back to Sofia's..

listening: Crystal Castles - 1991


I have a new table and Mac...

Hahah! Had a pretty boring day at first today but then I decided to go shoot Asa (again).

listening: Atmosphere - Watch Out
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