
Horrible Halloween to all.

PS: Almost done with all packing!!!! Tomorrow I'll be organizing my new home And I don't even feel so sad about leaving this place anymore because Teo is moving here!


listening: Cults - Abducted


Yeaa, finally the rest of my cdon.com order came. Couple of weeks ago Stupido had this sale were you got everything -20%! That got me into buying some cds again. (Oh so hipster part 2.)
VETO - Everything Is Amplified, Does It Offend You Yeah? - Don't Say We Didn't Warn You, Modest Mouse - Good News For People Who Love Bad News, Sleigh Bells - Treats, We Are Scientists - Barbara

Other faves (that I haven't packed yet):
VETO - Crushing Digits, Tiger Lou - A Partial Print, The xx - XX, Pretty Girls Make Graves - Good Health & Elan Vital, Interpol - Antics & Our Love To Admire, Norma Jean - Bless The Martyr And Kiss The Childe & Redeemer, At The Drive In x 3, HORSE The Band - The Mechanical Hand, Help She Can't Swim - Fashionista Super Dance Troupe, Asa - Foetida 2

I also ordered Norma Jean's shirt, lol, but it was only 6€.. I also have shirts from HORSE The Band (bought from their gig, year 2008?) and Lykke Li (from the Stockholm trip).

Here I am hanging with boxes full of stuff.. Tomorrow we are gonna get keys but there's some painting to do before we can actually get our things in, but the goal is to get everything there during this weekend. Don't know how long it's gonna take for us to get internet to the new place, so probably no posts coming for few days (like that's something new..).

listening: Does It Offend You, Yeah? - Pull Out My Insides


A bit more festival material from Amiira's iPhone... yes, it's me in under a blue sleeping bag.. Btw, I did miss Regina because of that and it was maybe the one that I was waiting for most. But isn't that a pretty basic festival thing to miss bands you actually wanna see?

Less then a week left in Vallila! Still not getting that it is really happening. I have been feeling a bit confused after coming home from Tampere. Maybe somehow because our summer is officially over it feels like couple of other things are too. But I guess that mostly I'm just being excited of all this new stuff in life, but at the same time feeling a bit sad because I have to left something else behind.

Wow, I've probably never wrote anything this personal here so I must be really a bit out of my mind. But whatever, nobody reads this anyway.

Modest Mouse helps:


Lost in music-festival @Tampere

DAY 1: We were suppose to go to Tampere by car, but for some reasons we didn't so we got there a bit later then we thought and first went to Iiris and Leo's place (where we spent the first night). When they went to movies, we ran to buy more alcohol (got there 2 minutes before closing!) and didn't know where else to go to drink it then McDonald's. Oh the days when you were too young for bars.. After that it was time to go the first gig place, Yo-talo. There we excample got signatures from Elastinen, danced to some random band and I lied to some americans I met that I was poor, unemployeed and moving with my sisters. Wtf, but I did got some free cigarettes.
Magenta Skycode was much better then I expected so we did miss Tax at some other bar, but we did still hang there for while. So the festival did start pretty nicely...


DAY 2: Our other place to crash this weekend was at Teo's, so when we got ourselves moving again, we headed there. We haven't seem him in a million years and he also had his birthday at the same too so it was cool that he wanted to take us under his roof! After playing enough drinking game we went to Pakkahuone/Klubi to see Pasa. It did play pretty early so after that we just spent time there. Cameras were not allowed so that's why I have almost no photos. ;( At some point I changed bar and went to see Zebra & Snake and didn't even see Chisu. I have no idea how long I was there but I guess I did have fun, mostly with Mikko's co-workers. Well, after that it wasn't so much fun anymore, I had no idea where everyone were and being "little" wasted didn't help... But after all I was found and woked up at the right place, finding cd's, "new" make ups and someone's phone in my bag in the morning...


DAY 3: First thing was to get our coats and other stuff from Pakkahuone's cloakroom because some reason it was closed when Mixu and Amiira left there.. Then we went to see Iiris and cooked at her place (this was a way too comfortable festival). Later it was time to Teo's bday party and almost all I remember was that I was playing NHL, drinking vodka and tequila, doing some drunk facebooking and passing out in the bathroom (before 10pm).. I woked up pretty confused couple hours later and noticed that there were no one there. I checked the clock and noticed that it was less then an hour till Huoratron's gig, so I just got up and left to party again. :):):):)

This was (hopefully?) this years last festival and maybe now we can say that summer is really over.

PS. I still have the phone...


Last saturday I went to Julle's farewell party at Leppävaara (my first time there). There were only few people but it was fun, but when those went to Tavastia, I went to Roska where we celebrated Noora's 20th birthday! I wonder how there were so many gays that night, even one of my dates turned out to be one...

I have 2 weeks left at Vallila which means that I have to do stuff that I always wanted to do here in these weeks. One thing was done yesterday, tested the pizzeria next door; disappointment.

listening: Magenta Skycode - People
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