
Last Saturday didn't go as well as I would have hoped, I got myself maybe a bit too drunk... We started the evening at Petri's with our boys that we haven't seen for a while, being excited of that and being excited of going to Lauantaidisco too after a long time, got me too into the drinking so our night ended up after being less then 2 hours at Tavastia because of me..
Last weekend was pretty tiring. I haven't took much pictures these days but here's 3 random:


I hate how much other person can effect you. Especially if you don't make the same impact to that person too. Or you don't even know what that person is thinking of. And you can't tell what you think, you're not even sure what you think. Just want everything to be just fine.
Getting a bit tired of all that. Maybe letting go is for the best, but that makes it even more sadder. To loose something that has been so good.

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