
On saturday was finally Sofia and her sister's housewarming party(they have lived there like 7 months..). Place was full of people but I was kinda hungovered so I wasn't so much on a party mood first but when it got closer to the time to go to bar I got pretty excited when I heard that Kemmuru is playing at Virgin Oil Co (Stig Doog and Evil Stöö were too). So few of us went there and in some point I noticed that all familiar faces had left. But I just find myself another company and left there with 3 guys, first to Kallio and then for some reason we left to Vantaa at 6am, so I didn't have any clue where I actually were when I woked up. But the guys were nice and even gave me a ride home. And didn't lost my camera this time in that bar! And I also had some own drinks when I went there, but then there is this kinda own side where the bands play and on that door was a guy looking through bags, so I hid my beers under a sofa and I was pretty sure that they will not be there when I leave 'cause they were pretty easy to see, but luckily they were!

That last pic is taken after bar (when the guys wanted to get cigarettes from that Deli), not sure what I talked to those but they looked so adorable sitting there on a row , especially when they were first all eating paninis :D

listening: Katy B - Easy Please Me

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