
I miss my camera sooo much! I used Susse's legendary 350D for a while but now I managed to buy a new one that is a bit more upgraded then the old one, less then 300€! Well okay, it's used and almost 3 years old but doesn't look like it. So now I have something that helps more to recover from this sorrow ;(

Today feels a bit like sunday, maybe because we went out yesterday.. I went to act a small part on my friends short film and a bit inspired of that (job was to be part of some party group), three of us decided to continue the evening with some wine and vodka mixed drinks and then went to Roska. We did have fun, so I guess it was a good choice! If you don't count that I was sure that I was going to die at work on my morning shift..
And speaking of work, someone broke into there this week! But all that was stolen was our cellphone and stamps?! So random.

listening: Rebecca Black - Friday
(trying to get the right mood..)

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