
90's by you.

90's by you.

90's by you.

90's by you.

90's by you.

90's by you.

90's by you.

90's by you.

90's pimp by you.

90's by you.

The party was ok, not as cool as I expected, just a few people was properly dressed and they didn't have our favorite songs, for example Spice Girls - Stop. We practised the dance move for nothing...
My only drinks during the night was water and didn't still make it home to sleep, thanks to stupid train schedules. Luckily Jose is always kind and takes me to her place. Clock was about 5 am when we started to sleep and I was home at 11:30 am, so I don't think I have much energy to do anything special today, blah.

day 02: your least favorite song

All The Baseballs-versions are the worst ever!!!

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